Thursday 10 January 2013

Previous Project Work

As this project is a continuation of my previous term of work on a visual concept for a game I created called "Dominance: Anubis's Tale" in which I had taken the the Myth of Isis and Osiris and adapted it into what could presented for a game.
Creating the main cast of characters by going through a in-depth process of self-analysis and development to produce a series of strong and memorable characters.

The full blog for this initial project can be found at:


For Osiris show my ideas for making him appear more royal than a warrior, the long robes try and show a peaceful being. Keeping the royal adornments and headwear.
I first started involving the idea of using non-human-like faces for the Gods. Leaving their skin smooth and merging with the headgear, keeping the same material but able to stretch and form when talking and emoting.

Initial Silhouettes
Design Development
Final Concept

These concepts were the hardest to choose from, the first was the most tyrannical looking and kept the original animal looking face, a choice that was eventually left in the project. 
The next two were more applicable through wearing masks, I also wanted to make them look less royal and more like a warrior, giving him a toned body and exquisite amour. Eventually the third was chosen due to keeping his animalistic qualities whilst looking armoured and mythical along with looking like a warrior and a ruler.
Initial Silhouettes
Design Development
Final Concept

Isis & Nephthys

Seeing as these two female Gods were described as being similar I let them share the design process, adapting the concept to fit them both.
While keeping the more sultry and deceptive design more aligned to Nephthys seeing as she is the wife of Seth and allied with the main antagonist.

Initial Silhouettes
Design Development
Final Concept
Final Concept


For Anubis I wanted to experiment with evening out the amount of armour and robes he would wear, with each over taking the other depending on his morality through out the game.
As Anubis was going to be the character in which the player would take control of, I wanted to make sure that his design was one of the most appealing. Mixing armour and cloth together to get both the warrior and entity aspects into his design. This will be taken to the two extremes later on into the design process.

Continuing on with Anubis’s development, I went on to recreate what I had done with Set by doing variants to what is possible with the animal head aspect. But seeing as the human-esque helmet did not seem to go down well with recognition, I decided to do two variants for the Jackal shaped headwear along with the actual animal head.
At the pivotal moment in the story Anubis has the chance to ally himself with Osiris or with Set during the war between them. I needed to embody the aspects of each god to each choice while keeping to the initial design of Anubis.

Initial Silhouettes
Design Development
Design Development (Morals)
Design Development - Shades
Final Concepts

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