Sunday 11 November 2012

Learning Agreement

Steven Best - 1000606
Games Art & Design – BA7

I have decided that for my final project that I shall continue on from my previous project last term of my second year entitled “Dominance: Tale of Anubis”. It was shown that it was some of my best work in through my illustrations, concepts and visualized concepts coupled with a deep background in Egyptian Mythology which provided a rich source of research and potential references.
Having an existing source to work from not only saved me time in developing a story,  characters and setting and let me focus into creating a new image for something that had been created before.
Seeing as what I had based this project on has such large scope, there was only so much that I could cover in the time I had before, which is why I would believe that developing it over this final project will give me the time to cover all assets in which a character can be designed, but not just the character in ways of how they look, talk, move and act but their assets such as props, weapons and equipment.
As a Concept Artist’s job is rarely restricted to just one aspect such as character design I believe that it is important to cover as much as I can to improve my resourcefulness, abilities and use in that line of work.

The characters I designed last year were the main antagonists and protagonists in the story, but through further research there were still key characters that I did not cover. As I further the design process for the originals I would continue on to develop all new designs for more characters but making sure to develop Anubis, the main playable protagonist.
Producing a full design for him to the means that his character will be fully portrayed to the viewer so they can see how he would presented in the final product along with the supporting cast.

To ensure that my work is to the standard of what is to be expected in the industry, I will seek out input from studios and Concept Artists for a critique on my work in illustration, design and research and correct me on developing my skills in the professional practice of working as a concept artist.

Assessment Work
Dominance follows the Myth of Osiris and Seth but from the fictional viewpoint of Anubis that I will be creating myself.
I will be referring to my previous designs for the characters Anubis, Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys and updating them where ever possible and expanding on their designs along with other main characters that were pivotal to the plot of the myth.

As Anubis is the character who the player controls, I will be creating a full character concept sheet including a turnaround chart, examples of emotions and motions along with a full development of Anubis’s weapons. (The symbols that he carries with him)
When portraying these characters in their final concept I will show them in a “mock environment” in a hero shot to show how they meld with the world that they are set in.
To accompany all of this work a blog/journal will be created to log my research, notes and annotations as I continue through this project by researching techniques in concept art, character design and creation of props and assets like weapons and items, art direction and theming.
I will also be contacting and creating case studies on several concept artists in the industry to ask for their input on insights on my work and how to strengthen it to the standards required for production work, asking questions on what they believe makes a strong and recognizable concept and design.

Schedule of work:

September 27th -­ 11th October:
- Start to new year
- Gather previous work and research
- Develop initial ideas for brief for Learning Agreement
October 12th – 25th October
- Start blog site for research
- Start initial draft for Learning Agreement and Research Report draft.
-  List out required new content for new project, possible redesigns
- Create list of Concept Artists and possible Art Directors to contact towards research
October 26th - 8th November
- Finish Learning Agreement

- Further research into blog and start case studies on chosen Artists (If replies are obtained.)
- Start initial traditional sketches in sketchbook.
November 9th - 22nd November
- Proof read Learning Agreement for submission.
- Finish and Hand in draft of Research Report.
- Start design and templates for Design Document
- Continue research in blogs from sources and interviewed Artist contacts.
- Start influence sheets and initial speed paintings for concepts.
November 23rd - 6th December
- Hand in everything required before Holiday break.
- Continue with needed research and documentation.
- Revaluate work from given feedback.
- Begin development on ideas and designs using gather research so far.
- Start work on 15 minute presentation.

December - January
- Further research through Holidays in blogs and reflective journal.

- Develop Concept Art on Characters
- Send current work to industry concept artists for critique.
- Finalize blog and reflective journal
February - March
- Receive critique and revaluate any work so far.
- Develop final character sheets and begin Concept Art on Assets
- Create show reel to present stages and development of entire project and final production.
- Finish Design Document for hand-in

April - May
- Finalize all assets ready for submission.

Resource requirements:
- Workshops for advanced Photoshop techniques in Digital Painting.
-One on One Tutorials for Critique and Feedback

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