Friday 11 January 2013

Environment Outline

The world of Dominance would be fitting to where Gods would dwell, magnificent and outlandish environments would span across where Anubis’ quests lead him to.
As the gameplay requires large and open areas that allow quick and expansive movement, a lot of what would be seen would not exist to natural formations. Allowing for lots of creativity and little to no restrictions.

Between these zones in which combat will take place, the player will be taken to challenging platforming and puzzle sections, meaning that areas can be more confined if need be.
Various themes will be taken into consideration, the deadly and vast deserts that Seth commands, shifting and changing through his sorcery and magics, lush green and airy havens in which Nephthys and Isis inhabit, the bleak and dark underworld in which Osiris commands, fortresses and kingdoms inspired by Egyptian architecture and many more.
Despite that some of these locations would be fitting of "Paradise" seeing as these beings would be in their own domain, the raging war between Osiris and Seth would devastate and ravage the lands, which could prove to show an interesting take of what a "Paradise" would look like as a war zone and even destroyed.
A lot of inspiration to this matter can be taken from Gears of War's "Destroyed Beauty" art book, which showed the exquisite and gorgeous architecture ripped apart, destroyed and devastated from a war that has consumed the planet let a lone a city.

Artwork found with no source on wallpaper galleries.

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