Thursday 10 January 2013

Conceptual Influences

There are various games that inspired the development of “Dominance”, each one shared a similar creation process in taking influences from existing mythologies. I looked at concept art for each of the series/games and took from their work to influence my own.

The God of War Series shares an identical process in which they took existing Gods and Goddesses of Greek Mythology and reinvisioning them to a modern design and visual aspect.
Along with the designs being redesigned, it also tweaked the story and legends of the mythology as well, a task that I am doing myself as well.

The God of War series really pays a very heavy influence in my design work, from the modernisation of the Greek Mythology and bringing what small interpretation of their gods into a form of media that will show them in a great amount of detail.

Andy Park and Andrew Kim developed the concept art for God of War III involving environment and characters. A lot of the designs for the gods show flowing details and ominous auras of light to portray their power and ascendance from mortality.
What I drew from God of War III was it’s ability to show that a character is of great power and a being of mythical proportions, not looking like a common man or being. Only characters like Kratos himself appear less “God-Like” due to being half-mortal. 

I wanted to take influence on how the use of light and patterns can show the audience that this character is of a “Godly” Status and beyond what is capable in mortality.

Along with God of War III, concept artist; Andy Park also worked on the Marvel movie adaptation of the comic book character Thor. Which would go on to be developed for the Avengers collaboration movie (In which Park also worked on). The influence I find from his vision in this movie is how despite the Norse background he managed to bring that mood and feel to their characters while keeping their costumes/armour in a sleek and modern aesthetic that appeals to today’s style of fantasy/sci-fi.

The smooth surfaces and perfectly form fitting gear that these characters use look like materials from a world beyond our own, making them look “alien” or above us in mortality.

Although it may not use light in a similar fashion as in God of War to display the power of a God, in these Marvel films they show it through their costume.
Looking like they have been fabricated in methods beyond how we can comprehend looking almost ceremonial and regal.

Unlike the first two visuals that I have written about before this one, EA's Dante’s Inferno inspires this project in terms of using a known myth or story and adapting it to fit a video game more than it’s visual design.
Having each character play a part in Dante’s quest and having a large portion of the game revolve around them in not only the design of the character but the environment as well.

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