Friday 11 January 2013

Inspiration in Design Techniques - Character Development/Evolution

The Renegade from
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Some characters need to be portrayed in not only detailed full angles and turnarounds for 3D modelers to work from to produce the final content for the game. But character sheets and hero shots are also needed for animators and other members of the development team to refer to.
Even small thumbnails that show how a character moves, acts and animates. From simple tasks like small gestures and walking to complex manoeuvres like combat attacks or special effects.

Other useful illustrated information for a character can involve facial emotion charts that shows how a said character would talk or show various examples of emotions. Such references are used for core characters that would have very heavy focus in the game.

Designs can change and develop through the process of production, it all begins with rough silhouette sketches that are done in up to the hundreds which are then thinned down to whatever number the Art Director see's fit. They are then whittled down further until a small number are left, which are then refined and built upon to produce a series of concepts that would be much more distinguished.

Then when a design is chose from those it is taken in to be fully visualized, full character sheets with turn a rounds that show every angle of the character's costume and body to aid modelers in texturing and sculpting the character for it's final in-game asset.
Then the model is  then skinned, rigged and animated ready for the engine along with any props or assets that it was designed with.

Character Sheet Concept Art
Hero Shot Concept Art

In-Game Render Art

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