Thursday 10 January 2013

Altering the Existing Mythologies and Tales

The story of Dominance is very heavily based on the Myth of Osiris and Isis, focusing on how Osiris came to power, his relationship with Isis the deception of his brother Seth.
Continuing on to the war between his son Horus and Seth after Osiris’ death.

Focusing on the two warring factions of good and evil the player controls the choices of Anubis, who originally has a very small part in this story.
His choices of alliance and who he serves between Seth and Osiris and gradually a young and growing Horus who will replace Osiris as the "Pure" allegiance to Anubis or an enemy if he has sided with Seth and Corruption.
Anubis was not one to interfere in the battles between good and evil and served whoever summoned him so this applies in some ways.

Anubis appeals as a God who players will enjoy controlling having the capacity being a character allied with good or evil.

There has also been numerous representations of the Gods in Egyptian Mythology, with some being related to each other despite reproducing. For example there have been versions of the myths where Osiris and Isis have been brother and sister, meaning Horus was a child of incest.

Along with these controversial alterations there are cases of adultery, tales of Nephthys disguising herself as Isis (As the two were very identical to one another.) and seducing Osiris. Removing and altering the tales to avoid these instances will not only avoid unwanted attention for being controversial by having instances of incest along with lowering any age ratings for the game.
All of these assets are no essential to the story so writing in alternatives will not prove difficult.

Lots of Gods in the Mythology have been given a name and purpose but they play a little to non-existent role in the Tale of Osiris and Isis, meaning that there is possibilities of including them into the warring conflicts as either allies or foes against Anubis, again depending on his allegiance. 

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