Thursday 10 January 2013

Inspiration in Design Techniques - Character Sheets

Video games focus on singular characters for long periods of time and usually in one iteration of them so when developing these characters it is required for them to be portrayed in as much detail as possible. Especially a character that will be shown in a lot of situations and depth throughout the game. So making sure that every detail is illustrated for others to work from so a character is portrayed exactly to the artist’s intentions.

This can be done though a number of different techniques, each varying in detail, convenience, effort and presentation. It partially depends on what genre the game is on how the artist is told to work and show his or her ideas.

One useful asset towards illustrating a character in full detail is character sheets, used to show a plain view of a character to show their design clearly, including any assets like props and detail shots that modelers can use to work from.

Such attention to detail is needed due to characters in a video game being portrayed in a 3D space, ever angle of their character needs to be shown. It's a similar fashion to characters that will be animated for films and television.

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