Tuesday 28 May 2013

Swords of Anubis

As Anubis is the main character in Dominance I wanted to focus on developing his weapons to the next phase on their concepts. Especially as he has three alternate versions of his tools depending on his allegiance. For his neutral weapon I wanted to give a noble yet sharp look to the design. A mx of sharp edges and flowing curves are mix evenly on the blade and hilt.

When Anubis is aligned with Osiris and later his son; Horus. As well as taking on more monk-lie robes he equips himself with new weapons. With smoother curves, a protective hand guard and engraved runes running through the blade it implies a more discipline has been applied to the design of this weapon. Keeping in unison with the new robes that Anubis takes upon his morality choices.

As Anubis ventures down the path of corruption, finding himself in the company of Seth and other allied Gods to his cause. This weapon features a much wider blade with spike-like edges, giving a much more blood-thirsty and violent appearance. His blade is linked with his soul, so it shares the same cracking surface that covers Anubis’s body.

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