Tuesday 28 May 2013

Character Design - Bastet

Bastet was a protective goddess. She is usually seen as a gentle protective goddess. However, she sometimes appeared with the head of a lioness to protect the king in battle. According to Herodotus, Bast was a happy and benign Deity who brought good fortune, music, dance and joy to all.

The cat was a symbol of Bastet. The ancient Egyptians made many statues of cats like this one to honour Bastet.
Bastet was one of the daughters of the sun god, Ra. A great temple was built in her honour at Bubastis in the Delta. Others do not see Bast as an entity in her own right at all, but as the personalized anima (female aspect) of Horus.

When designing Bastet I wanted to go in different direction than I have with previously designed female characters in Dominance. Along with her having the head of a animal like other gods like Anubis and Seth to alter herself from the others, I designed her robes to show more skin compared to Isis for example. Similar to the previous Gods her dress holds a swirling cosmos of stars and auras. Another element that further portrays the image of being a mythic being above the mortal realm.

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