Tuesday 28 May 2013

Emotive Expression

As a lot of the characters in Dominance don’t share the same aesthetics of normal human beings in that they have the same properties of flesh.
 I wanted show this through the textures of their bodies. Sometimes it looks like skin on their bodies like the case of Horus but at times it is made to look like metal or other materials. For example, Osiris’s skin is represented by the colour green (Like how he has been represented in most  forms in both fiction and ancient Hieroglyphics.
It stretches and contorts like normal human skin through speaking and expressing emotions but in Osiris’s case it does not reflect or show the texture of human skin.

For Seth and other helmeted characters their “skin” is given the impression of looking like metal. Reflecting light and shapes with hard edges suggests that is it solid but the material can be distorted to show expression.
Not as extensively like other character’s skin like Osiris and Anubis for example, but it doesn’t not remain in one state permanently.
This gives the impression that these beings are made of other worldly materials. Also each character’s mouth is illuminated, to not only draw the player’s eye when they are speaking but to further show the mystical aura that courses through these Gods. They harness great power and I wanted to show that in many ways.

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